What if I don't like my career? Is it normal that I feel bored? Unfulfilled? I feel like there could be more to life than this.
Thoughts that are experienced by more women than you might expect. Yet, they are not often openly discussed because, 'We can't complain', 'We have to be grateful for what we have', 'We studied for this'.
While feeling grateful for where you are at is a beautiful thing, it doesn't mean that you have to stick to the path you chose forever. You are allowed to change your path!
I see it all around me, both in the Netherlands and Spain; women who don't find fulfillment in their careers. Until a year ago, I was one of those women myself, and after working for a large tech company for 3.5 years, I chose my own path. Not because I am against corporate, but because it did not make me happy.
Let's be honest. Life is too short to be spending your days on things that don't fulfill you.

Join me for an online masterclass on
the 30th of April
19:30 - 20:30
What if I told you it doesn't have to be that way?
This is not a masterclass talking you into quitting your job. Or setting you up against your employer.
The goal of this masterclass is to give you a different perspective on career paths and to equip you with the basics around starting the process of considering a career change.
I have nothing against corporate. But I do have something against not living in line with who you authentically are.

I believe that true happiness can only be felt when you live authentically. And since every person is unique, full of special and unique talents, experiences, and interests that make you, YOU... I don't believe in a system where we're all striving for the same.
It's my mission to set you up for exploring your own path. Whether that is about changing role/industry/employer, quitting your job or starting a passion-project / business.

After this masterclass you will..
feel more compassionate towards yourself
understand why our generation is different from other generations, especially when it comes to career choices
be provided with practical tips on figuring out your own journey.
have a different perspective on careers and the 'time-line of society'